Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus Day for Free!

I give my kids the "day off" for Columbus off from Abeka.  But we have a short mini session in Columbus!  I have found so many cute freebies on Pinterest that created our entire morning!  I can't wait for the kids to wake up so we can do it!

We will start the morning with a cute video from Youtube!  You can watch it here...
 Next, I found this adorable color by number sheet on Teachers Pay Teachers.  This website offers TONS of free downloads...all you have to do is join!  In addition, there is a wealth of great teacher made packets and kits for inexpensive!  One way to support and help teachers!  Color Columbus by number by Maria Manore

Last we will practice our writing skills by writing about what we would do if we discovered America ourselves!  Another free and completely adorable download on Teachers Pay Teachers!

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Autumn is here!  

You can not begin the new season with anything less than autumn activities, right?  For Gabriel and Ollie we are focusing on The Farm unit.  A field trip to a popular working farm in Salinas, CA is on the schedule this month including pumpkin patch picking, hay rides and a tour of a real farm.  The kids are also exploring with leaves and learning about leaves.  The little's read a book called Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert.

This is such a fun book!  The story is about leaves blowing around...and everywhere that they land, some form of an animal or man or sea creature is formed.  It inspires kids to collect colorful leaves in the fall and create their own version of leaf man!

For Zachary the lesson only gets more challenging.  Zachary called his Grandpa who lives in Missouri and asked for samples of leaves to be sent from Grandpas home state.  You could extend this lesson into asking your child to get as many leaves from various states across the country!  We however only asked 1 person.  He also collected leaves from California.  His project was to observe the leaves and determine arrangement, whether they are simple or compound leaves, what kind of margin they have and look at their vennatation.  He used the leaves and observations to create a notebook of the various leaves. 

Step 1: Collect and organize your leaves.  Grandpa did a great job of labeling the bags for Zach which was a huge help!

Step 2:  Observe and record your analysis of the leaves.  

Step 3:  For the observation sheet you will need to prepare the leaves.  Pressing the leaves help keep them preserved.  First, tear out a notebook paper size sheet of wax paper out.  

 Step 4:  Hold the leaves flat, cover them with another piece of wax paper. 

Step 5:  Place a towel on top and with a hot iron, slowly iron over the cloth.  The heat from the iron causes the wax from the paper to adhere to the leaves.  this protects the leaves from wrinkling up and falling apart.

Step 6:  Slowly pull apart the sheets of wax paper and remove the leaves.  Place the leaves in your observation book and add your notes about the leaves!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sorting Colors

I love using this on a weekly basis in math.  It's a lesson that has legs and can be made into so many different lessons!  Kids love the fact that they get to eat the product after their hard work!  Simply buy a bag of skittles, m&m's, colorful fishy crackers or whatever kind of food you would like to use that allows for a variety of colors  Draw columns on a paper with the suggested color to be sorted along the bottom {I was in a hurry and used markers}.  Encourage the child to sort the colors.  For added math lessons:
  • Counting
  • Sorting
  • Color recognition
  • Concepts of least and most
  • Create groups to work on addition or subtraction
  • Create patterns 
  • Complete patterns
  • Heaviest and lightest {a food scale is great for these activities}
  • Estimation
The possibilities are endless really!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I just ran 7 miles.  It's the furthest I think I have ever run.  My legs feel abused and sore.  I feel 37.  But I'll push through, I know I will be able to do this.  I've grown, birthed and raised 4 kids.  I've lived through a tornado, 3 deployments and Ranger School.  I can run 13.1 miles.

Letter E

Even a child is know by his dEEds....Proverbs 20:11

This week we are talking about good deeds.  We emphasized our previous science lesson about how we ask God to help our hands do the right thing.  I encouraged Gabriel to tell me some good deeds he can do with his hands to help others.  He came up with helping mommy by picking up my toys, being nice to the dog by using gentle touches only, helping daddy work in the garage, watering our new garden, helping mom cook dinner.  Every time I catch him doing a good deed this week he will get a star sticker on his bible verse card that we will hang on the fridge!

Here are some great books we read for letter Ee week:

Ewe!  This month we are learning about animals on the farm.  Ewe is a fancy name for sheep!  We explored with glue, cotton balls and paper plates to create Ewe's!

He explores with Ewes while we glue things!  I promise he's not being left out! = )

You can see that our gluing skills are coming nicely along! = )

E is for Elephant

Simply make a hand print and add ears, eye, and a cute tail and you have a fun elephant craft!

Friday, September 5, 2014

I Am Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

I praise you Lord, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made~ Psalm 139:14

This month we have been learning All About Me.  How fitting that our science book this week {from Abeka} is discussing "Discovering Myself."  Within this unit, our children are learning about who they are in Christ.  We all are individuals.  We all are different.  Out of millions of boys and girls in this world, not one of us is the exact same.  God made us this way....a wonderful way.  He gave each of us talents and gifts to use for Him.  Not only did He create us, He cares for us and is concerned for us.  He is concerned when we are sick.  He is concerned about us when we are sad or happy.  He is concerned about us when we obey Him and when we disobey Him.

Within this study we examined our hands.  Our hands have bones that help us to do things.  Our hands have muscles and blood that help us to do things.  God intelligently formed our bodies so that we could actively serve him and others.  Sometimes we need to ask God to help our hands do the correct thing.  Not only our hands, but our feet, our eyes, our ears.  All these parts of our body were created by God, for God.  The world offers so many temptations and distractions that we can choose to do with our bodies that will not glorify God.  How important it is for us to teach our children early on that our bodies are not our own.  They were bought and are owned by our God who fearfully and wonderfully made us!

Letter Dd

Devote yourself to prayer, be watchful and thankful~ Colossians 4:2

The bible story of the week is Daniel and the Lions Den to reinforce God's loving protection along with the letter Dd.

This is the color page we used this week for Daniel:  D is for Daniel color page.  So many people have wonderful free color sheets available to you through their blog!

Here are some fun and easy activities to reinforce letter Dd:

This is so easy!  Write the letter Dd on a piece of paper and encourage the child to use playdough to trace the it letter Dd.  Not only does it reinforce your letter of the week, but you secretly are working on those motor skills by rolling dough!

I don't want anyone to think that he is being left out!  He is exploring with monkeys and play-dough today!

Encourage your child to replicate the letter you are working on next to the letter instead of tracing.  This works those memory banks of your little one!

D is for Dalmatian!  As well as Dog!  Read a story about Dalmatians in a fire house before this craft.  Explore with circles, glue and the letter D shaped paper to create a Dalmatian.

Explore with Dot markers on the letter Dd.