Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lewis and Clarke: The Great Adventurers

Imagine going to bed one night in the home that you know so well.  You know where all the rooms are and where the bathrooms are.  You have been down every hallway and in every cabinet and door. You know where to find things.  Now imagine waking up the next day and the house doubled in size over night!  That is what kind of what happened to Americans a long time ago.  They no longer were completely familiar with their surroundings.  Way back in 1803, President Thomas Jefferson bought from France a large amount of land in the middle of what is now known as the United States.  We call this purchase or transaction the Louisiana Purchase.   This purchase doubled the size of our country.

Jefferson picked two explorers, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, to explore the new land.  He needed someone to travel the uncharted territory to find out what the living conditions were before allowing anyone to live or travel.  With the help of the wonderful Sacajawea, they were able to explore America!  Thomas Jefferson requested a journal of what they saw on their journey.  What people were out there?  What animals and plants survived in this new territory?  What was the weather like compared to the east coast?    

Activity:  Give your children a compass, journal, pencil and colors.  Teach your children what a compass does.  NOT an iPhone compass!  Actually show them the real deal!  Take them on exploration through some wooded area near home and let them observe things that they see.  Encourage them to draw pictures of new plants, animals, or people they may see along the way!  Older children should be encouraged to jot down a few ideas as a journal entry.  My kids did this...including my 20 month old!  He loved it.  They recruited friends in the neighborhood that evening and got them all into it as well!  Enjoy!

Aubry and Sophie {Aubry loves Sophie} They called each other Lewis and Clarke haha!  And Gabe was Thomas Jefferson =

The kids drew pictures of things they saw that Lewis and Clarke may have wanted to share with Prez Jefferson

Excuse my lens...it was obviously handled by the baby that day

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