Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Home School: Inspiration for the Dreaded End of Summer Bad Mood

Proverbs 9:9  Give instruction to a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

My son Zach just started home school this morning...7th grade!  I can't believe how old he is now.  We use the Abeka Academy online streaming...it's wonderful!  It's an accredited program that allows him to watch a class that has been prerecorded with other students in the class.  Anyways, he hates math and the wonderful teachers at Abeka start each day with bible and verses to inspire you.

His books came yesterday...see the happiness upon their arrival? = )  That's ok...cause he's smiling now...it's been a great first day and he's ready for an awesome year!

Happy Guy

Not So Happy Guy

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